Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Word!!!

Wow it has been a long time!! So let's start from where I had left off :)
Rudy went back to work, which was hard at first. I had ALL four kids home by my self. It was very crazy taking the older ones to school but still keeping up with the schedules of the little ones. We coped and got on track. Then I went back to work and the two older ones went on summer break!!! Oh My Goodness! That was an adventure. But obviously we worked past it cause we survived and school starts again on Monday. Ahhhhh!!!! I feel like I am non stop all the time. Which I guess is expected, I mean, I do have FOUR kids!!
I am so excited for our future though. There have been alot of tough times but we have pushed through. I love my family and my friends that have stuck through it with us. We have been totally blessed by the support from those that love us. And blessed with the ability to love those that haven't supported us. All in all things are pretty darn good.