Wednesday, August 15, 2012

After a breather...

    It has bee awhile since I have posted anything. I have had a chance to catch up with my life a little. My mother is doing really well and making improvements every day. I am so glad that we got her back. That we got this second chance with her. I am looking forward to my future with her in it. It really is a beautiful feeling.
    While we are talking about the future, let's move on to all the good things that are on the horizon for my family. We will be moving in two weeks! We were offered a great opportunity so we jumped at it. It is about 30 minutes further from where we live and we will have to move the kids schools and everything but I feel this will be great for us. We will begin our new chapter on August 31!!!
    Another milestone that will be happening on the 31st is that I will finally have my surgery on my shoulder! I have been waiting for the date for awhile and finally there was a cancellation. I feel bad that the Hubby will be doing all of the work but I need to have this done.
     So in the wake of all this new info, I need your help. Can you all please leave me ideas for pre-made, freezer ready, simple things to cook. I will be out of commission for awhile. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
   Thanks for reading :)

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