Friday, March 4, 2011

Every two weeks? Yeah, right....

Well, I skipped the whole month of February. Ha!... figures. Anyways, We are now in March and expecting our little girl in a little less than three weeks! Ahhhh!!! I am starting to become VERY nervous. It seems so long since we had a little baby. Aiden has become so "grown up" in the last year, especially the last month. He is now potty trained and off the sippy cup!! This is the first time in eight years that I have not been changing diapers.
I also just recently started my leave from work, so that is good. I haven't really gotten in the "stay at home" mode yet, but I am sure working on it. Since I have been off work I have a lot of time to think about what it is going to be like to go through all of this again. The funny thing is, the thing that I am worried about the most about is getting up our sixteen stairs to our apartment after the C-section. Yes, this is what is freaking me out, stairs. Oh well, everyone has their vices.
It really seems as if we are starting all over again. We didn't have anything for this baby and had to buy EVERYTHING! Then figuring out the things that we actually need as opposed to things we wanted was hard. It is so easy to go overboard when you have a baby, especially a little girl. Everything is so cute and little. But I think that we contained ourselves. We bought a Mini crib and changing table set, which is awesome! The thing about that is the bedding and mattress had to be ordered online and the same with the car seat and stroller. I love online ordering because I do not have to step a foot into a store, but when there are mishaps or ordering issues, it's kinda annoying. Well there is the update. I'll try writing more now that I am at home... but we will see.

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