Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Word!!!

Wow it has been a long time!! So let's start from where I had left off :)
Rudy went back to work, which was hard at first. I had ALL four kids home by my self. It was very crazy taking the older ones to school but still keeping up with the schedules of the little ones. We coped and got on track. Then I went back to work and the two older ones went on summer break!!! Oh My Goodness! That was an adventure. But obviously we worked past it cause we survived and school starts again on Monday. Ahhhhh!!!! I feel like I am non stop all the time. Which I guess is expected, I mean, I do have FOUR kids!!
I am so excited for our future though. There have been alot of tough times but we have pushed through. I love my family and my friends that have stuck through it with us. We have been totally blessed by the support from those that love us. And blessed with the ability to love those that haven't supported us. All in all things are pretty darn good.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Oh No!!!

Tomorrow Rudy goes back to work. He has been so awesome since the baby was born, I don't know what I am going to do. We have all gotten so use to both of us being at home and being able to work together to get things done around the house. Plus, now that he is going back to work I am realizing that I only have a few more weeks till I go back to work! Then the real work starts... When I was working before it was so easy to just tell the kids "Come on, Let's go!" and they jump in the car to go to whoever is babysittings house. But now I have a little one who need a suitcase full of things and is alot of work when you haven't done it for awhile
Wish me luck! Hopefully I don't go crazy trying to balance the plates I will be spinning!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The day had come...

Cambria is here!! Yay!! Well, our little girl is here. She came nine days earlier than we had expected but we are sooooo happy. She was born March 15 @ 8:13pm and weighed 5lbs 9oz.

I had gone in that morning for my weekly visit and told the doctor that i had been having contractions so he sent me immediately to labor and delivery to be monitored. Since I had three previous c-sections it was very dangerous for me to be contracting regularly because my uterus could rupture. The nurses hooked me up to the monitors for two hours and saw that the contractions were regular so I got admitted and told that I was going to have my little girl that day.
Rudy and I were a little flustered because we still and a little over a week till our scheduled c-section and liked that we had it set and that we had time to get things settled the way we wanted. Cambria had other plans though. We did have to wait quite a few hours because there were a few emergencies before us. But then at about 7:00pm the nurses came in with our "outfits" and the gross stuff I have to drink and then it was go time. I got so nervous sitting in the operating room while they were getting everything ready! I was really freaking out.
After Rudy was let in the room I was a lot calmer, but very anxious. Then after what seemed like forever I heard everyone saying "It's a girl!" and "Oh, she is beautiful" but I did not hear the one thing that I was expecting. There was no crying. None. For those that know me know that I am a very nervous person so this was throwing me threw a loop. Finally I heard the tiniest cry and then they yelled out how much she weighed, "5lbs. 9oz.". I asked them to repeat themselves about six times. There was no way, I had never had a baby that little. Then I saw her, she was the smallest, most perfect thing.
The recovery went well and we even left the hospital a day early. She has been the cutest little thing. She is sooooo quite, when she is awake she usually just lays there and stares at us. I couldn't be happier with this ending to our baby having. Which to those that are wondering, Yes this is our last one. I was informed that I could not handle carrying another baby. We are totally fine with this and are grateful for the beautiful children that we have.

Hopefully I will get better at this blog thing and write more often, but we will see. Thanks for reading.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Every two weeks? Yeah, right....

Well, I skipped the whole month of February. Ha!... figures. Anyways, We are now in March and expecting our little girl in a little less than three weeks! Ahhhh!!! I am starting to become VERY nervous. It seems so long since we had a little baby. Aiden has become so "grown up" in the last year, especially the last month. He is now potty trained and off the sippy cup!! This is the first time in eight years that I have not been changing diapers.
I also just recently started my leave from work, so that is good. I haven't really gotten in the "stay at home" mode yet, but I am sure working on it. Since I have been off work I have a lot of time to think about what it is going to be like to go through all of this again. The funny thing is, the thing that I am worried about the most about is getting up our sixteen stairs to our apartment after the C-section. Yes, this is what is freaking me out, stairs. Oh well, everyone has their vices.
It really seems as if we are starting all over again. We didn't have anything for this baby and had to buy EVERYTHING! Then figuring out the things that we actually need as opposed to things we wanted was hard. It is so easy to go overboard when you have a baby, especially a little girl. Everything is so cute and little. But I think that we contained ourselves. We bought a Mini crib and changing table set, which is awesome! The thing about that is the bedding and mattress had to be ordered online and the same with the car seat and stroller. I love online ordering because I do not have to step a foot into a store, but when there are mishaps or ordering issues, it's kinda annoying. Well there is the update. I'll try writing more now that I am at home... but we will see.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Start of a Year, and a blog.....

Well I am starting this blog after seeing other mothers do the same. I thought it would be a nice way to keep people "in the know" without phone calls or personal messages (which I am horrible at).
First lets start with the back story....
I am 25, My husband, Rudy, is 28. Then there is Desiree, 8, Aliyah, 5 1/2, Aiden, 3 1/2, and soon to be Cambria, who will be here in about 7 weeks. Rudy and I have been married for a little over 4 years and have been living in our own place for about a year. The first few years of our marriage were very rough on us due to our living arrangements at the time. This last year has been the best year by far! Rudy has been an awesome father, especially for having just walked right into it. I had Desiree and Aliyah before we had gotten together and he loved them instantly.
Our children are absolutely awesome. Desiree is funny, extremely smart,and thinks that she is far older than she really is. Aliyah is our dreamer, she believes everything is beautiful and everything is right in the world. Then there is Aiden. He is our wild one, he loves to be loud. Whether it is singing, dancing, or driving his older sisters crazy, he is all boy.
So there we are. All of us, in a nutshell. I am going to try to keep up with our blog at least every two weeks. There are sure to be funny times, sad times and times of recollection. Keep tuning in to see how it unfolds.